Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Force Awakens - Theories and Back Stories of Rey

If you haven't seen The Force Awakens, you have been warned.

In the movie, where Rey grasps Luke's light-saber and has the vision, both Yoda and Ben Kenobi are either talking to her, or she is hearing memories of Luke's...

However... Ben Kenobi speaks directly to Rey, after the visions of her childhood life and glimpses into the future, saying

"Rey.... these are your first steps." It is just a whisper, and I didn't catch it until I started watching the movie with subtitles. And the subtitles clearly show: Kenobi: "Rey... these are your first steps."

So what does this mean? I think it means that as a child, Rey was taught by Luke Skywalker. Ben Solo was also a part of that group, though he would have been much older, and the top student of Skywalker. Ben kills the other students, when Skywalker isn't present, and Rey is somehow saved.

Prior to Skywalker going missing, Rey's memories of her being a Padawan, and her knowledge of her abilities with the force are wiped. This could have happened after the massacre, next to a fire, with R2-D2 and Luke. There is a two second scene of just this in the movie. Why is it there otherwise?

Why else can she fly a ship she has never flown before, in ways she has never flown before - the GARBAGE ship a.k.a Millennium Falcon to be exact? Why else can speak droid, understand Chewy, and have sudden proficiency in the force, enough to hold her own against Kylo Ren - who by the way held a blaster shot in mid air, like he just don't care.

Rey, was trained in the ways of the force as a child. Her memories were wiped. The resurfacing of those memories and abilities leads to the title of the movie

---The Force AWAKENS ---

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